Our Causes

Youth Run NOLA

The Story

Youth Run NOLA (YRN) emerged in 2010 when a dedicated group of educators embarked on an inspiring journey, lacing up their sneakers and running alongside their students after the school bell rang. Over the years, this humble initiative has blossomed into a dynamic, community-rooted non-profit that collaboratively engages with hundreds of youth and families each year. 

While YRN has grown, our essence remains firmly rooted in our grassroots origins. Our community-driven spirit drives us, serving as the lifeblood of our operations. We are steadfast in our commitment to empowering young individuals through the unifying power of running.

Our Support

Through a donation to YouthRunNOLA, we support their mission.  More than that, though – we actively encourage runners to get involved with the training, leadership and mentoring opportunities available.  We want to help today’s youth become active runners of tomorrow.


The Story

Everett – meaning ‘brave as a wild boar’ which coined the nickname “WiBo” – was a resident of the Ochsner Cardiac PICU, from July 10, 2022 through September 8, 2022, when he passed away. In his seven short months of life, he taught lessons in strength, perseverance, family and raw toughness. Most importantly, he taught lessons in faith and unconditional love, impacting hundreds of lives. Brittany and G have said it almost doesn’t feel like Everett was ever really their son, rather an angel who was on loan while he completed his mission. While Brittany and G will never know what WiBo’s mission was, they’ve made it their mission to give back and honor him with an annual WiBoGiving.

Our Support

Through our support of WiBo, we are providing support for Ochsner Children’s Hospital and all of the great work they are doing.